What happens in Cuenca? Comparsas turn on Huayna Cápac avenue

What happens in Cuenca? Comparsas turn on Huayna Cápac avenue

The traditional Mascaradas had great reception among the Cuencans another year, with music, dance, parodies, and parades on Huayna Capac Avenue.

As usual, each January 6, the city lives a costume party, allegorical cars and people who go out into the streets dressed as the character they like most as superheroes, zombies and others.

The party is organized by the Amistad Club, an institution that makes possible other Cuenca events such as the Mundialito de los Pobres and the Concurso de Años Viejos.

The comparsa started at 17: 00 hours at the height of La República street and ended at El Vergel bridge. There were three scenarios for the presentation of the participants.

The parade had 26 participations of schools, universities, foundations and families of Cuenca, in addition to the intervention of the Fire Department of the city.

The parade began with the troupe Peluditos Cuenca with the theme "In defense of their rights" and ended with the individual comparsa with the name "Parodias del lonje mucus".

The Benemérito Fire Department won in the comparsas category and "Ruliman true history" won the prize in the individual category. The golden mask was for the University of Cuenca.