Psychology and Communication meet

Psychology and Communication meet

On Tuesday 8 in January took place in the Central Auditorium of the University of Azuay the II Interdisciplinary Meeting of Psychology and Communication, which convened students from the schools of Communication and Psychology of the UDA and the University of Cuenca. 

The Dean of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the UDA, Ramiro Laso, welcomed the participants of both universities and wished that "Psychology and Communication understand each other, because they are the same thing, the same person, with different look " 

Then spoke William Ortiz, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Cuenca, who agreed with Ramiro Laso on the fact that both sciences are complementary: "Communication is key in the formation of the psychologist, just as Psychology is in the life of the communicator ". 

The event featured exhibitions of teachers and students from both universities, gathered in various thematic blocks: "Psychology and media", "Communication and marketing", "Communication and change", "Personal development and communication", "Communication and behavior organizational "," Communication and social networks "," Communication and family relations "and" Communication and Social Psychology ". 

The teachers of the Universidad del Azuay who participated in these conferences were Cecilia Ugalde, Carlos González and Janneth Baculima. 

At the end of the day the best students exhibitors of each of the schools were chosen. 

The coordinator of the event, Ana María Durán, member of the Academic Board of the School of Communication, said that "the posters produced by the students that were exhibited at the entrance of the Auditorium will remain on display in the central building of the University in the next days "and informed that the next meeting between both disciplines will take place at the end of this year at the University of Cuenca.

This meeting was the first event organized by the School of Communication of the UDA within the framework of its 30 years of creation.