CAD, CAE and CAM programs in Automotive

CAD, CAE and CAM programs in Automotive

On May 27, the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Azuay and its School of Automotive Engineering presented the event "Applications of CAD, CAE, CAM programs in Automotive Engineering", taught by expert David Reyes, professor at the UDA .

Reyes showed how automotive production has diversified with the use of these programs that are used in the design, engineering and manufacturing phases.

In this webinar the latest applications of these programs used by the School for the development of its projects were taught, and 3D models, code generation, plans and technical drawing were analyzed.

 "The utility of the program does not take away from the efficiency and better pencil-and-paper production," Reyes said.

Likewise, Reyes mentioned that every figure needs its own measurements, for which he proposes the use of the Autocad application, belonging to the ADOBE program house, which covers the specific need to determine the values ​​of different angles and figures.

To propose an exercise, you must be clear about the general parameters of the design to start shaping a figure, with the aim of giving a context to the image, the exhibitor recalled.

Finally, the Webinar closed with some questions from the public and thanks from Robert Rockwood, Coordinator of the School of Automotive Engineering.


UDA Correspondents