Social Leadership and Volunteering Program: delivery of certificates

Social Leadership and Volunteering Program: delivery of certificates

On February 2, the University of Azuay carried out the delivery of certificates for the Social Leadership and Volunteering Program, an event that is framed within the fulfillment of sustainable development objectives, mainly objective 16: Peace, Justice and Solid Institutions.

The event was attended by authorities, teachers, administrative staff, students from our university community and participants from the different projects. 

Volunteering at the University is a reality that is manifested in several programs of our institution; The central interest is in generating spaces for social leadership and service to the community. 

The welcoming words were given by our rector, Francisco Salgado, who mentioned the importance of organizing hope, in that sense volunteer projects are a clear example of this and how great things can be achieved in community. 

For his part, Father Marcelo López commented on the work and spirit of what volunteering entails. Once the certificates were delivered, Arturo Jiménez addressed the public on behalf of all the volunteer participants. 

See the full gallery.