Professor and graduate of Communication participate in international congress

Professor and graduate of Communication participate in international congress

The V AlfaMed International Congress, called “Social Networks and Citizenship: towards a cyber-connected and empowered world”, will be held on October 14, 15 and 16, 2020 in virtual mode, and will have the presence of researchers from the University of Azuay.

The congress brings together researchers from different Ibero-American universities and research centers; all the investigations that are exposed will be published in the book "Social Networks and Citizenship".

On October 16 will participate Catalina González, professor at the School of Communication, and the graduate of the Melina Jara Vázquez, in the "Social Networks and School" panel.

LThe presentation was born from the results of the student's thesis called "Social networks and citizenship: Influential factors in parental mediation of preschool children."

González emphasizes that “a good thesis or joint research, which is under the umbrella of a macro research such as the University of Azuay on Media Literacy, which I direct and Cecilia Ugalde participates, has the possibility of becoming an article and presenting itself in conferences as this".

The congress will address other thematic axes such as: Social networks and artificial intelligence; Cyberconnection and citizen participation; Media literacy and teacher training; Prosumer (instagrammers y y); Critical and responsible cyberconsumption; and Alternative media for a new world.

AlfaMed hopes to make an appointment in person for May 5, 6 and 7, 2021, in which González will participate in a round table.

UDA Correspondent