First event of the Working Group on Political Theory

First event of the Working Group on Political Theory

On June 11, the “Transhumanism and Democracy” conference took place, the first of the events organized by the AECIP (The Ecuadorian Association of Political Science) Working Group on Political Theory and the Universidad del Azuay.

This Thursday's session aimed to approach the concept of transhumanism to understand its characteristics and its relationship and tensions with the possibility of politics.

The working group was created in order to become a space for reflection on the concepts and essential elements of politics and politics. It is characterized by its philosophical, scientific and academic approach; for the respect to the plurality of thought, and for promoting the multidisciplinarity of the theoretical political study.

The objectives are to approach the political thinking of authors who have subscribed to political philosophy or theory, to establish essential concepts about political institutions and actions and to promote rigorous and multidisciplinary research among members on contemporary political problems with philosophical relevance.

The group works through monthly meetings, with a maximum duration of two hours. In each session, one of its members is responsible for the presentation and guide of the topic.

“The dynamics of the group respond to what their members want, that is, we will discuss what topic they will be interested in analyzing the next meeting and who is in charge of presenting; in this way it is constituted as a working group ”, said Diego Jadán, coordinator of the initiative.

The group will host debates of various kinds, the most prominent in relation to contemporary political issues are: political communication, biopolitics and bioethics, feminisms and politics, secular state and confessionalism, challenges of law facing contemporary problems and art, freedom of expression and politics .

Those who are interested in participating and register with due anticipation, can access the material that will be analyzed in the corresponding session. The contact is