First event of the Permanent Chair of Cultural Anthropology

First event of the Permanent Chair of Cultural Anthropology

On October 15, the first presentation belonging to the Permanent Chair of Cultural Anthropology of the University of Azuay took place with the theme "Is anthropology valid at the time of the fourth industrial revolution?", By the anthropologist from Cuenca Andrés Abad.

Due to the situation, the Chair of Cultural Anthropology is carried out virtually through the Zoom platform; Behind the formation of this space is the Open University unit, the Culture unit and the teaching team of the Chair of Anthropology.

Gabriela Eljuri, professor of Anthropology at the UDA, explains that this space has as a direct antecedent the establishment, since 2018, of the subject of Anthropology in all undergraduate careers in order to provide comprehensive training to all students, given the relevance of this area of ​​knowledge to direct individuals towards a society that respects and understands diversity.

“Together with other teachers, we find it interesting to create a space for discussion of topics from Anthropology articulated with other disciplinary areas; the idea is that this is a non-curricular space, open and free for all in which we will address various topics that adjust to the interests of the different faculties ”, said Eljuri.  

The exhibitors of this initiative will be invited professionals from different universities and research institutes in the country and abroad, who will address topics of interest from different angles of contemporary times.

The frequency of the conferences will depend on the availability of the speakers and the university, however, it is estimated that at least one monthly activity will be held during the 2020-2021 school year.

Participation is free and open to teachers, students and the general public; The Permanent Chair of Anthropology will award a certificate to those who participate in at least 70% of the academic activities.

The connection links for the different activities will be disseminated with the necessary advance notice through the official channels of the University of Azuay.


UDA Correspondent