Presentation of the book "Por una comunicación del común" by Mauro Cerbino

Presentation of the book "Por una comunicación del común" by Mauro Cerbino

On March 22 at 18 pm in the Multiple Use Room of the University of Azuay, the book "For common communication. Community media, proximity and action" by Mauro Cerbino, research professor at the Department of International Studies was presented and Communication from FLACSO, Ecuador.

The Rector of the University, Francisco Salgado, inaugurated the act, thanking the author for choosing the UDA to present his book in Cuenca.

Then, the book was commented by three academics: Matías Zibell, Coordinator of the School of Social Communication of the UDA; Carlos Rojas, professor of the Permanent Symposium on the University, also of the UDA; and Fernando Ortiz, research professor at the University of Cuenca.

Finally the author took the floor and confessed that this was a "quarrelsome" book, which sought to talk about community media while facing the commercial system of news production.

"It's a book that has allowed me to get different tastes, from a journey that took a few years and allows me to get the urge to fight me: in the 50% of the book I intend to make an adjustment of accounts," he commented the author.

Why does Mauro Cerbino fight with the hegemonic form of news production? Among other reasons, the author - an anthropologist by training - pointed out that "the electronic, commercial media have annihilated and dissipated the space. Space no longer exists or is intended to no longer exist. "

His book is a set of ideas for those interested in communication who want to escape from the commercial and find a closer communication, with the song put in the community.