Presentation of the cantonal Atlas of Santa Isabel: a commitment to regional planning and development

Presentation of the cantonal Atlas of Santa Isabel: a commitment to regional planning and development

On February 9, the University of Azuay together with its Publishing House presented the book “Santa Isabel: Atlas Cantonal”, an event that is framed in the fulfillment of the sustainable development objectives, mainly objective 4: Quality Education. 

The Santa Isabel canton is one of the largest cantons in the province of Azuay, it occupies third place among the fifteen that make it up. It contributes to a good part of the hydrographic basin of the Jubones River, which crosses the Yunguilla Valley from north to south and empties into the Pacific Ocean. 

This publication is part of the series of Cantonal Atlases of our region, with the aspiration of facilitating a systemic vision of the territory from various perspectives that contribute to the knowledge and appreciation of it. 

At this meeting, our rector, Francisco Salgado, addressed the public, pointing out that this book presents a journey of millions of years of nature, highlighting the wonderful population of Santa Isabel and the continuous work that has been done to contribute to the sustainable development of this such an important population. 

In turn, Omar Delgado, executive director of the Institute of Sectional Regime Studies of Ecuador IERSE, carried out the official launch of the book on behalf of the authors. 

For her part, Anabel Lalvay, mayor of the Santa Isabel canton, commented that the book presented is the reflection of teamwork, of important alliances that have dedicated their time and resources to make visible what the canton has to offer, highlighting the relationship that exists between nature and human beings. 

Book Atlas Santa Isabel


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