Presentation of the magazine N0 70 of "Coloquio" and a heartfelt tribute to the forger and former rector of the UDA, Mario Jaramillo

Presentation of the magazine N0 70 of "Coloquio" and a heartfelt tribute to the forger and former rector of the UDA, Mario Jaramillo

On the morning of October 26, the University of Azuay, together with its Publishing House, carried out the presentation of No. 70 of the Magazine “Coloquio” in tribute to Mario Jaramillo Paredes, an event that is part of the fulfillment of the objectives of sustainable development, mainly objective 4: Quality Education.

The event was attended by authorities, deans, professors, administrative staff and students from our university community; relatives of the former Rector and forger, Mario Jaramillo Paredes, authors and collaborators of the magazine, relatives and friends of the authors. 

Colloquium. Magazine of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of Azuay, is a multidisciplinary publication, conceived to disseminate reflections and views on various topics of public interest from within our university community, and at the same time as a space for dialogue with literature, the art and culture of the country and the world.

This new edition, in memory of Mario Jaramillo, is a magnificent opportunity to pay a posthumous tribute to this key figure among the Forgers of the University of Azuay.

In this meeting, Francisco Salgado, rector of the University mentioned that, to this unfinished project, always to be built, we were summoned and summoned by Mario Jaramillo, whose life has left an indelible mark among us and whose vision has illuminated an inextinguishable path. 

Presentation "Colloquium"


Likewise, Cristóbal Zapata, director of the Colloquium and presenter of the work, pointed out that there are no tangible paths but intangible ones and their signs are not visible but invisible, but everyone who enters into knowledge reproduces the traces of that original song. Perhaps, at the end of their journey, the walkers will be able to hear this primal and secret music. Surely Mario Jaramillo, who practiced the art of walking, found the way to reconstruct that song. 

The emotional meeting was accompanied by the University band, the Blue Betas, who made this space a very heartfelt moment full of art.  

Without a doubt, this edition of Colloquium highlights a multiplicity of dialogues around art, literature and the university community.

Presentation "Colloquium"


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