"Not one heart less." The UDA joins the campaign against violence against women

"Not one heart less." The UDA joins the campaign against violence against women

The University of Azuay, UDAPOYO and the Aequitas Foundation joined the campaign against violence against women "Not a heart less" on November 23, which aims to eradicate gender violence by encouraging women not to turn off their voices and report if they are violated.

The event was attended by Francisco Salgado, Rector of the UDA; Martha Cobos Cali, Academic Vice Chancellor of the UDA; Melina Fernández, president of UDAPOYO and Mayri Zavala, representative of the Aequitas Foundation.

"The act of denouncing violence is not only an act for women but an act for all as a society since we have the commitment to take care of each other, especially men we have to recognize the fundamental role of women in society "Commented the Rector.

According to statistical data, three out of ten men are violated, but for reasons unrelated to their gender, seven out of ten women are violated because they are women.

During the month of November, this movement against violence towards women takes strength as it reminds victims of femicide.

In line with the main idea of ​​the campaign - "not a heart less", a purple heart was painted in the design yard of the University of Azuay representing the lives that gender violence has claimed.

"It is important to create this campaign within the University as we create a fairer and more equitable university, with men and women committed not to generate more violence," said UDAPOYO president.

So far this year 2017 in Ecuador has registered 129 murdered women, 11 of them only in the city of Cuenca.  

"It is a reality that a comprehensive law is needed today, which is already being debated within the assembly, but above all we need the commitment of each one of us, in the case of men remember that half of them are woman since they come from one ", commented the representative of the Aequitas Foundation.

The first purple heart painted by this campaign was captured at the University of Azuay with the desire to remember the social commitment that is held as a university brotherhood and as a reminder of all the voices that have been extinguished as a result of the violence of genre.

In the same way as a symbolic act, a mural was made with encouraging phrases and commitments from the university community.