Sustainable Mobility, a tool to plan a better future

Sustainable Mobility, a tool to plan a better future

On February 15 at the University of Azuay, the work teams of the ERASMUS project for the design of the Master's Degree in Sustainable Urban Mobility were welcomed, an event that is framed in the fulfillment of the sustainable development objectives, mainly the objective 4: Quality Education.

This event aims to bring together the different work teams of the ERASMUS project for the design of the Master's Degree in Sustainable Urban Mobility between European and Latin American universities.

The universities that are part of this project are the University of Granada, the Technical University of Munich and the Alberto Hurtado University of Chile. 

At this meeting, Francisco Salgado, rector of the University of Azuay, addressed those present expressing his pleasure at starting this work day on mobility with global perspectives, emphasizing that this program will not only deal with academic content but will also highlight the importance of major objectives. of humanity. 

In turn, authorities from the different universities mentioned above addressed the public on behalf of their institutions. 

This event will take place over 3 days where there will be different panels about sustainable mobility as a tool to plan a better future. 

ERASMUS project


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