Thousands of college students learned about the academic offer of the UDA

Thousands of college students learned about the academic offer of the UDA

Between the 19 and the 20 of April the University of Azuay exhibited its academic offerings at some 100 educational units.

Some 5.000 college students walked among the tents of the 28 Schools of the UDA, in addition to receiving information from the Departments of Postgraduate Studies, Linking, Culture, International Relations, Research and the IERSE, which strengthen the institutional image and show how the academy relates to the community and its progress.

The institutional presentations in the Auditorium were enriched with the intervention of the Theater and Dance Companies, which brought more color and joy to this event.

Showing the academic offer allows "to maintain the link with college students and their families, increase the connection with our potential clients from other provinces and build loyalty to current ones," said Maria Elena Castro, Director of the Student Welfare Department.

During the two days, the interest of high school graduates in our careers was encouraged through the common language of young people: our students told them their experiences and showed the image of a young and cheerful university, with a strong and competitive academic offer.

“The Open House is the synergy of the effort of all the members of the university community; time is our main adversary, however the experiences lived in each year allow us to provide feedback on the improvements that should be made for the following events, ”explained Castro.

The Director of Student Welfare stressed that the dissemination of the academic offer does not start and end with the Open House, but is part of the constant effort and management of a joint planning with the Academic Boards to enhance our image as an Institution of Higher Education and strengthen the ties of the university with future students.