4Cs teaching methodology

4Cs teaching methodology

On July 15, the Language Unit and the Department of Continuing Education of the Universidad del Azuay -together with Cambriddge University Press- organized the webinar “4Cs in Young Adult Learning (Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration)”, dictated by James Freeman, ELT Expert.

The webinar analyzed the methodology of teaching the 4Cs of learning and its positive impact on students once they finish higher education. It is important for educators to understand the need to integrate these skills into their professional lives.

The four Cs of XNUMXst century skills are: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication.

Critical thinking promotes argumentation, that is, it allows us to draw valid conclusions for daily work, it is also a tool that helps to solve problems.

Creativity is also essential in solving the different problems that arise in the teaching - learning process. Through creativity, students' internal strengths are harnessed, from general planning to meticulous organization.

Collaboration promotes collaborative work between the different actors of the educational community. And finally, communication involves the correct use of language as the most effective way to reach everyone involved.

The importance of understanding the competencies that Cambridge offers was also discussed. “We are developing skills in our students that will help and support them well beyond classroom work,” Freeman said.

With this teaching methodology, students identify patterns and relationships, evaluate ideas, actively participate in creative activities, generate new ideas, work on group activities listening to others, sharing tasks, and above all, choose the most appropriate language to use in different situations.

Finally, through small group sessions (classrooms), it was socialized how the 4Cs can influence the teaching of students. All participants gave their point of view about these skills.


UDA Correspondent