MSc in Hydrosanitary

MSc in Hydrosanitary

The University of Azuay, through its Postgraduate program, offers eight master's degrees that will be carried out from March 2021, including the fourth level program in Hydrosanitary, coordinated by Professor Josué Larriva.

The master mentioned that this master's degree is aimed at training professionals with technical capacity for the management, design, evaluation, construction, operation and maintenance of hydrosanitary infrastructure that allows the use and exploitation of water and drainage systems in an efficient and sustainable way .

The cost of the master is $ 500 for tuition and $ 8.000 for tuition. It lasts for 18 months including the degree work. The modules span two or three weeks of classes, interrupted by a week off. Classes are on Saturdays from 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and there will be practices and technical visits.

Aspiring teachers must have a minimum third-level degree that has a registration code in the SENESCYT in the areas of: Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Environmental Engineering. In addition, they must demonstrate proficiency in English B1, comply with the registration process and pass the defined admission process.

At the end of the program, the professional will handle the theoretical foundations and main parameters that influence the dimensioning of drinking water and sanitation systems, the modeling of complex water transport systems, and the characterization of wastewater, as well as its treatment needs.

“This master's degree follows three lines of research: the first is drainage, early warning of rivers against flood phenomena; the second on the treatment of wastewater by natural systems, and the third on the design of supply networks ”, explained Larriva.

Registrations for this master's degree must be made until January 22, 2021. To access more information about the master's degree, you can register by entering the following link

“In the middle there are many master's degrees on water, however, none that address the professional part of the hydrosanitary projects focused on cities or human settlements; It is based on this need that the master's degree was formulated ”, concluded Larriva.


UDA Correspondent