The Red Ink of the School of Communication celebrate the "metamorphosis"

The Red Ink of the School of Communication celebrate the "metamorphosis"

From April 8 to 10, a new edition of the flagship event of the School of Communication took place, Tinta Tinto, which in these times of pandemic and virtuality chose the name “Metamorphosis”.

The event began on Wednesday morning with the words of the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences, Ramiro Laso, who highlighted the Red Ink as “symbol and ritual of the Communication career” and emphasized that in these times "only by getting closer and connecting can we save ourselves as a society".

Later, Matías Zibell -Coordinator of the race- and David Helguero -XNUMXth cycle student and president of this edition of the event- highlighted the effort of the students to have released this edition despite the pandemic and the quarantine.

The event began with the presentation of Diego Ulloa -actor, screenwriter and video editor- who started his talk by telling the more than 200 participants that the first thing was to know "what kind of content creator we want to be ...

… And, then, knowing how to distinguish which content is more appropriate for each of the digital platforms ”.

Then it was the turn of Carolina Robino, Director of the BBC Spanish Service, who -from London- spoke about the changes in journalism in the digital age:

“Everything has changed very fast, imagine that I took my typewriting exam today; but telling good stories is something that continues, "said the Chilean journalist.

Also from Chile was the third speaker, Eduardo Arriagada, former Dean of the School of Journalism of the Pontifical Catholic University of that country, who from Spain made a plea for clarity in the Communication:

"It is essential that each student in this career learn to write well and express their ideas clearly -this includes digital literacy- since, as the Israeli writer Yuval Harari says, clarity is the greatest power force."

The first day was closed by professional soccer player María Isabel Vásconez, one of the graduates of the School of Communication who participated in this edition. Other graduated exhibitors of the race were the writer Natalia García, the expert in Corporate Communication Ana María Carrasco and the expert in Marketing and Commercial Management Juan Pablo Madero.

Thursday was the turn of Pablo Pesántez, Executive President of Expressarte -Estrategia y Creatividad; Diego Cazar Baquero, co-founder of the digital magazine of narrative journalism La Barra Espaciadora; Javier Pérez, known as Cintascotch, partner of the advertising agency Cafeína, and photographer and graphic designer Nicolás León. 

On Friday, the conference was opened from Miami by Juan Javier Peña Plaza and Ricardo Casal, winners of the most important awards in advertising, who spoke about the importance of making mistakes and analyzing the mistakes made.

They were followed by actress Lorena Robalino, presenter of the program "Expresarte" as well as the first season of "Sessions with Art"; Juan Carlos Ramos, Communication Director and community manager of Femete, and the Ecuadorian filmmaker Tania Hermida, director and screenwriter of films such as "How Far" and "In the Name of the Daughter".

The last conference of the event was by David Díaz, author of the emblematic photo that portrays an indigenous woman in unemployment last October.

The Tinta Tinto “Metamorfosis” culminated with a musical show and the words of the career teacher in charge of their organization, Natalia Rincón, who congratulated the students on the success of the event.