Business challenges for the post-pandemic

Business challenges for the post-pandemic

On April 29, a conference organized by Open University and the teaching team of the Chair of Ethics and Social Responsibility was held on the challenges of social responsibility after the pandemic.

Julián D'Angelo began the event with the basic statements about the crisis that is being experienced worldwide. "How do we dare to talk about the post-pandemic when in reality many countries in the world are still going through even their toughest moments of the pandemic?"

Communicating is an ethical commitment on the part of companies and the media, however, what should really speak are the facts and in this way a bank of good socially responsible business practices is created in the face of the pandemic and confinement, the exhibitor mentioned.

D'Angelo and his team studied what the companies did with this crisis and how most of them adapted to the needs of the community, that is, they stopped producing their own products to readapt to the elements of biosecurity or mechanisms to be able to develop a "normal" life in virtuality.

In this way, trust in companies was increased due to their level of adaptability to social needs. On the other hand, credibility in governments, NGOs and the media has lowered.

“The new normal is a disputed area and will be built by everyone trying not to resemble the old one, of inequality, climate crisis, poverty, etc. So the challenges of social responsibility for the post-pandemic are even more severe than previously thought ”, D'Angelo concluded his speech.

Now companies must lead with empathy, provide solutions, anticipate what is required to operate or use the purposes as a guide, engaging responsibly in the environment where they operate.

"We consider it necessary for the businessman to become aware of his responsibility with the internal and external environment in ethical values ​​that grant transparency, as well as, consumers to improve their ability to choose since it is an indicator of freedom", he mentioned, for his part, Carla Crocco.

To end his speech, Crocco mentioned various factors to consider for the productive development of a company, one of these is the expansion of consciousness.  

"A state of consciousness is a way of being in the world, what is thought and felt, the meaning that is given to one's own existence and how it is carried out in daily life."

This is synthesized in the elementary principle of "occupying a place in the world, no more."

In this way, it leads to the fair and profitable use of resources, while assuming responsibility for the effects of what one does in the natural and social environment in which they live.


UDA Correspondent