Launch of the book "Carta Magna y Nuevo Constitucionalismo Latinoamericano. Rupture or continuity? "

Launch of the book "Carta Magna y Nuevo Constitucionalismo Latinoamericano. Rupture or continuity? "

The June 6 took place in the Faculty of Legal Sciences the launching of the book "Carta Magna y Nuevo Constitucionalismo Latinoamericano. Rupture or continuity? "By the editor Claudia Storini, professor at the Andean University Simón Bolívar (UASB). Among the authors of the work are José Chalco Salgado and Sebastián López Hidalgo, teachers of the UDA.

The first to take the floor was the Rector of the University, Francisco Salgado, who considered that this book shows the path that the Ecuadorian university should follow, research, publish and put knowledge at the service of the community.

Enrique Ayala Mora, Ecuadorian historian and UASB professor, was the one who made the academic criticism and presentation of the work.

Ayala referred to it as one of the highest level of work in the area of ​​Constitutional Law in Ecuador and Latin America. He was emphatic to mention that this book is highly technical, objective and a valuable contribution for legal professionals and the country.

"The main reflection is that it is one of the most rigorously scientific studies in the country," said Enrique Ayala.

In his speech, José Chalco Quezada, Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences, located this research within the framework of the scientific observation of national events that promote the strengthening of a Latin American constitutionalism.

Claudia Storini, editor and author of the work, was the one who closed the event, congratulating the teachers of the UDA, who were her students and participated in the preparation of this research.

"This book is the symbol and the result of new thinking for Ecuador and Latin America," concluded Storini.