The University of Azuay leads the meeting for responsibility and citizen security

The University of Azuay leads the meeting for responsibility and citizen security

On November 30 at the University of Azuay, together with Diálogos Vitales, CIPEM, Fundación Andina Counterpart, they held the Security and Citizen Responsibility meeting; It was attended by authorities, teachers and administrative staff of the University and members of other institutions in the country. 

This meeting aims to generate a business dialogue that allows a joint analysis of the reality experienced in terms of citizen insecurity and build proposals for collective action in pursuit of a future of peace. 

At this event Francisco Salgado, rector of the University, addressed those present, pointing out the importance of generating spaces to build future scenarios regarding citizen security in Ecuador and welcomed all attendees. 

Without a doubt, this space promotes participation and collaboration to together form a better future. 

See the full gallery.