The UDA and its #CiudadanosGlobales Training Program

The UDA and its #CiudadanosGlobales Training Program

The semester that began in September 2020 brought with it new challenges for internationalization, and despite the fact that student mobility was postponed due to the pandemic, two new opportunities for digital mobilization were promoted in our university community. 

The eMOVIES program, on the one hand, focuses on promoting digital mobility among students who are part of the universities that are part of the Inter-American Organization of Universities (OUI).

We are excited to have this semester students from Chile, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Brazil taking subjects at the UDA and that our students are enrolled in subjects at universities in Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.

The project is a great step to make international education available to all and to be closer to the democratization of internationalization.

The second strategy we put into action was COIL: Collaborative Online International Learning. 

More than 100 students from the University of Azuay worked together with more than 80 students from foreign universities during the first months of the current semester.

Cindy López, Liliana Arciniegas, Kamila Torres, Mónica Martínez and Danilo Minga were the pioneer teachers in enriching their classes with collaborative projects. 

Both eMOVIES and COIL have been promoted considering the Sustainable Development Goal N17, seeking to Revitalize the World Alliance for Sustainable Development.

For the semester that will begin in March 2021 we want to encourage our students and teachers to get involved with internationalization activities and projects through eMOVIES and COIL.

In the Department of International Relations we are in charge of identifying professors in peer universities for COIL projects and we disseminate opportunities in eMOVIES for students through the accounts on Facebook @InternationalUDA and Twitter @rriiuda.

If you would like to participate in the projects mentioned, if you have proposals or doubts, we look forward to your emails to