The UDA stands out in the application of the SDGs

The UDA stands out in the application of the SDGs

On October 18, in the General Auditorium, the results obtained by the University of Azuay in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) in The Impact Ranking 2021 were presented.

The SDGs were adopted by the international community in 2015 as a call to the nations of the world to act in favor of the planet.

This is the second year of application of the University of Azuay in the SDGs, being part of a global effort that brings together 1.118 universities. In its qualifications, according to the official page The Impact Ranking, the UDA is positioned as one of the best in the range 300 to 400 and, in the case of Ecuador, as the number 1 university.

In the application process, institutions can apply with a minimum participation of 4 of the 17 Objectives, and objective 17 must be included in a mandatory way: alliances to achieve the objectives.

The UDA applied in 14 of the 17 objectives, obtaining at number 1, the end of poverty, a score sufficient to be ranked 63 out of 591.

Francisco Salgado, Rector of the University of Azuay, introduced the presentation saying: “Only by applying the SDGs and knowing what our shortcomings are, will we be able to reinforce them; These goals outline a path by which to live and see the future2.

He also explained the importance of the SDGs as an order to know what is the impact that the University has on society.

The UDA International Research Networks (IReNE) working group was in charge of applying for the SDGs, as well as monitoring the fulfillment of the Objectives within the University in coordination with the Quality Assurance department. In the group, its representatives Carla Salgado, Viviana Guamán and Lorena Orellana stand out.

It should be noted that the ranking that evaluates universities according to the Sustainable Development Goals covers the areas of research, administration, linkage and training.

Finally, the importance for the University in complying with the SDGs was shown, being a space that not only measures competencies with other regional, national and world universities, but also how fundamental it is when opening doors and international opportunities, as well as the ease to achieve college goals.


UDA Correspondent