UDA welcomes freshmen

UDA welcomes freshmen

Throughout the week prior to the start of classes, the authorities of the University of Azuay welcomed the new students in the General Auditorium, in ceremonies that became even more emotional after a year and a half of distance education.

The first cycle students got to know the different UDA projects designed to improve their university experience, they witnessed the play “The awakening” of the UDA Dance Company and listened to the words of the Rector and their respective Deans.

Francisco Salgado said he was very happy on behalf of the entire University to welcome students back to the university campus.

"The best social network we have is you, the youth, and the solidarity and reciprocity that exists at the University," said the Rector.

In this the Dean of Science and Technology, Andrés López, agreed, who pointed out "the special thing about welcoming the students back to campus, where a comprehensive training awaits them."

Galo Duque, Dean of Medicine, highlighted what was done by the professors and students of this faculty, who contributed to the national vaccination plan against Covid "by vaccinating more than 78.000 people."

For Ramiro Lazo, the Dean of Philosophy, it is essential for the entire university community to "learn to be at the University" after the months of the pandemic and he asked the first cycle students to guide all their capacities and feelings "to do good" .

José Chalco, Dean of Legal Sciences, addressed the students as people eager for study and conversation: "It is time to resume the path of a personal, family and social destiny in the Faculty of Legal Sciences," he told them.

His peer from the Faculty of Administration Sciences, Oswaldo Merchán, thanked the students, in this difficult moment we are living in, “for having placed their trust in the UDA and in the Faculty to continue their studies, in one of the most important decisions of their lives ”.

Finally, Genoveva Malo, Dean of the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Art, highlighted the importance of meeting again in person: "This is university life, this is the essence of our educational model, this is the University of Azuay" .

The ceremonies culminated with a video of the University Choir performing the song “Gracias a la vida”.