The UDA will have two dual training studies from September 2020

The UDA will have two dual training studies from September 2020

The Universidad del Azuay will offer two technologies this year -Superior Technology in Sales and Superior Technology in Storage and Distribution- as part of its commitment to the dual education system, which combines learning in a company and in a professional training center.

This initiative, focused on the immediate professionalization of students, aims to reach high school graduates who want professionalization in the short term and who are interested in working in practical areas, in addition to achieving a quick link to the labor market.

"For this we have agreements with the Chamber of Industries, Production and Employment (CIPEM), which facilitates the link with productive sectors and with training companies, which in turn are jointly responsible for the training of students together with the University of Azuay," explained Patricia Ortega, research professor at the UDA.

Ortega recalls that, starting in 2018, the amendments to the Higher Education Law again opened the opportunity to design and offer programs of this type at universities.

“In Ecuador, the technological training courses offered by Higher Education Institutions, regardless of their modality, are third-level courses, and the Universidad del Azuay was the first University in the country to get approval for its offer of technology careers at the Higher Education Council ”, indicated the researcher

Dual training allows students an early approach to the world of work: in the case of the two courses offered this semester, 70% of the training time students will be practical in the company and the remaining 30% in the University, learning the fundamentals.

“The advantages particularly offered by the Superior Technology in Sales and the Superior Technology in Logistics and Storage include obtaining a German certification, which implies that this training follows German standards; in addition, approximately 48% of the semester investment required for this training is covered by the training company, "says Ortega and concludes:

"The student does his internship in the training company, increases his chance of job placement and, finally, the best graduates of this career will have a scholarship to participate in the study program in Germany."

Currently the University is working on two technologies in the health area and another in the automotive area. The new technologies offered will always be aligned with the demand for professionals in the proposed areas, as well as with the objective of training technicians who contribute to the economic development of the region and the country.