The second oldest Faculty of the UDA reaches five decades

The second oldest Faculty of the UDA reaches five decades

On Friday, December 11, the solemn session for the fifty years of creation of the Faculty of Administration Sciences was held in the auditorium of the University of Azuay, which was broadcast on the different digital platforms of the same.

Francisco Salgado, Rector of the University of Azuay, gave the welcome indicating that remembering and remembering "is to put back in the heart and to put in memory all those who made this wonderful, great Faculty of Administration Sciences."

Then a video was presented with the history of the Faculty and the enterprises that have been born in it over the years.

The story began on December 12, 1970, at the request of the Archbishop of Cuenca, Monsignor Serrano Abad, the Academic Council of the Catholic University of Guayaquil authorized the operation of the School of Higher Accounting and Business Administration.

This degree, which originally lasted three years, was the first in Cuenca since the state university later opened this academic offer.

The School worked first in Monay, then it moved to the Colegio de las Madres Marianitas and later to the Borja School located in Pumapungo, sold at that time to the Central Bank of Ecuador, an institution that had granted a term to the College for its unemployment.

Then the School was transformed into a Faculty, with two majors, Higher Accounting and Business Administration, and its first Dean was Alejandro Vintimilla.

The master's degrees that were born in this Faculty have been in Commerce with a mention in management and innovation; Business Administration with three mentions: sales, projects and finance; Information Systems with a mention in business intelligence, and Accounting and Auditing with a mention in tax management.

Other projects to highlight are the Business Observatory, the indexed scientific journal UDAKADEM, the Accounting and Fiscal Support Center (NAF), the Computer Research and Development laboratory (LIDI), the ERP project (Enterprise Resource Planning) that supports the administration and organization of different internal operations of a company, and the Microenterprise Advisory project (PAME).

After the video, a memorial plaque was given by the Faculty professors to the teachers and administrators who completed 25 years of labor service.

Next, Oswaldo Merchán, Dean of the Faculty of Administration Sciences, indicated that this Faculty is one of the most valued in the country thanks to all those who have contributed “to its academic, professional and human strengthening; it is the image of what we are and what we wanted it to be ”.

In addition, a video was shown with a greeting from the former authorities, professors and administrators, starting with Juan Cordero Iñiguez, the first Rector of the University of Azuay.

Additionally, the tuna of the University was presented and the event closed with the intonation of the hymn of our institution and thanks to all those present.


UDA Correspondent