The Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Universidad del Azuay celebrated its 30 years of foundation with music

The Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Universidad del Azuay celebrated its 30 years of foundation with music

On Friday 20 in October, the Cuenca Symphony Orchestra offered a classical music concert in homage to the 30 years of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the University of Azuay; the event took place in the Church of El Sagrario (Old Cathedral).

The repertoire was divided into two symphonies, the first was "Felicidad", directed by Michael Meissner, Conductor of the Symphonic Orchestra of Cuenca, with the accompaniment of cellist Francisco Villa, musician native of Esmeraldas, who excelled in the interpretation of this work musical.

"It is an honor for me that the University uses an opportunity to celebrate an important anniversary with music, and that being the guest is an additional honor," said the musician.

José Chalco Quezada, Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences, expressed the recognition of the UDA "to the Cuenca Symphony Orchestra, its Board of Directors, musicians and Director for this special deference that links Science, Art and Culture, denoting fraternal institutional relations, in coincidence of actions for the transcendence of humanistic and universal thought ".

To close with a flourish the symphony of Jean Sibelius "Symphony No. 5 in E flat major" was performed.

Michael Meissner ended the event by thanking the "very nice invitation in honor of the 30 years of work of the Faculty".

"It is a great pleasure to participate in these celebrations, hopefully everyone has enjoyed them and that they are embellished with music," concluded the Director of the Symphony Orchestra.