The Architecture Consultant of the UDA, a service for society

The Architecture Consultant of the UDA, a service for society

The School of Architecture of the University of Azuay will have its own Architecture and Urban Planning Consultant for the community, which will open its doors next Friday January 19.

The Consultant of the UDA is born of the need to collaborate with the society and its demands, through the research and reflection of the Academy in search of the optimization of resources and the resolution of the most varied requirements.

"We created the Consultant for our students, so that they have new work spaces and can present their projects, already with real clients, under real demands, and that they are not left alone in the classrooms", said Diego Proaño, Director of the Consultant of Architecture and Urbanism of the UDA.

Society has requirements that are not addressed, sometimes due to the lack of a place to assist to clarify doubts. The Consultant will work approximately ten people - including students and alumni of the School of Architecture - under the supervision of teachers.

The plus that the Architecture and Urbanism Consultant offers will be all the equipment that will count, in this case the entire School of Architecture to carry out seriously each project and backing it from several edges, since it will try to analyze each proposal to work it in the workshops that are taught in each subject offered in the Architecture career of the UDA.

The Consultant will work jointly with city entities to help in the resolution of public aspects and according to a scale that merits research from the Academy.

Several agreements have already been negotiated with the Municipality of Cuenca and some of its dependencies such as the Municipal Public Company of Economic Development of Cuenca and the Municipal Public Company of Urbanization and Housing of Cuenca (EMUVI EP).

"With the agreements we will highlight the research component of the university, advise several entities and propose new urban systems and housing solutions," commented Proaño.

The Consultant will work in the House of Services to the Society of the UDA located in the Solano Avenue, in front of the School Benigno Malo, where the Nucleus of Accounting and Fiscal Support (NAF) will also be offered -among other services-.