The UDA Publishing House launches its editorial lines

The UDA Publishing House launches its editorial lines

Throughout this very particular year, the work of the Publishing House of the University of Azuay has not decreased, on the contrary, the increase in the number of publications made by this department allowed the creation of five new editorial lines that will help to differentiate the themes of each of your publications.

The new project in which Toa Tripaldi participates as Director of the Department of Communication and Verónica Neira as Editorial Coordinator, has been planned since 2019 but has taken place in 2020.

Among the editorial lines are Natura, a space dedicated solely to issues related to Natural Sciences; Literae, which groups together literary texts such as poetry, essays or stories; Homo, which deals with topics on Social Sciences and Administration; Artem, which includes texts on Design, Architecture and Art, and, finally, the Memories line that stores memories of all the conferences that have been held at the university.

The books that were previously launched in person are now presented virtually and the dissemination of these texts is in digital format: all can be found in the university publications section through the official website of the UDA for free:

In these days, new books will be launched such as "Quality of life and associated factors", a project between the University of Azuay and the University of Cuenca; Likewise, the book Cuenca 200 años will be launched, which compiles legends and biographies of important figures of the city in honor of its bicentennial.

Likewise, the French Alliance together with the University will present the book "Encounter with a woman" by the Haitian writer Gary Victor, among other texts.

Importance of the Publishing House

According to Verónica Neira, the need to open this space arises from noticing that the research material of the university community was continuous, but was not structured, nor was it disseminated in the proper way and, therefore, the results of such research were not made known.

For this reason, as of 2008 the Publishing House begins its functions with the aim of structuring, ordering and making the research material carried out at the University reach more public.

From 2008 to 2012, three annual publications were made and from 2013 the number of published texts progressively increased.

In the last three years, the publisher has made a total of 127 book and magazine publications.  

"This structure allows us to be more organized and for the publications to reach more people, because not only do we print the books, but we upload them to the digital repository that is free to access, all of them are," says Neira.

The importance of this space is that it allows investigations to go through the due process of peer review external to the University, so that they can be published and that the knowledge of students, graduates, professors and the administrative staff of the institution can be disseminated .

Two years ago, thanks to this editorial space, the UDA was in the ranking of the five universities with the highest number of publications nationwide.

At present, its level of publications continues to increase and our institution is part of the Network of University Editorials of Ecuador, a non-profit association that seeks to professionalize the role of academic publishers and position Ecuadorian scientific editorial production within and outside the country.

UDA Correspondent