Conference of Research and Professional Exercise in Education

Conference of Research and Professional Exercise in Education

The 27 of June was carried out the presentation of the formative research works in the Room of Multiple Use, from which have developed projects of titulación of the careers of Special Education and Initial and Basic.

The second academic day was a space where the results of the formative research were shared, as well as the experience of the professional exercise, with the participation of alumni of the careers of Education, who shared their achievements, challenges and challenges of education contemporary

"I want to especially thank the directors of the careers, the professors, colleagues, graduates, graduates as well as all those in the journey of the past years who have made possible the presentation of these works", said Ramiro Laso, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences, who was accompanied by the Subdecana Diana Lee Rodas and Bernarda Quintanilla, Coordinator of the School of Basic and Special Education.

Subsequently, Gabriela Vásquez Álvarez presented the "Investigation of Implementation of an Alternative and Augmentative Communication System (SAAC) to students with motor disabilities at the initial level of the Steven Hawking Specialized Educational Unit":

"Many times we say that communication is only the spoken word, however it is not so because we can express everything through the body, our gaze or even the cry", concluding that communication is the central axis of the human being when expressing the feelings, thoughts and emotions.

The ex-pupils Estefanía Bernal and Paola Suquilanda presented the "Comparative study of the phonological, semantic, morphosyntactic and pragmatic levels in monolingual and bilingual children of 4 and 5 years of the CEIAP of the UDA and the Kindergarten of the German Stiehle School and elaboration of a software ", where they detailed that the objective of these investigations is to leave a mark with the knowledge that we have and that we have acquired in the university.

The graduate Adriana Cada deployed the "Intervention Plan for children with low academic performance of the third EGB of the Millennium Education Unit Manuel J. Calle", where she recommended that children with learning difficulties should be constantly monitored and noted that it is necessary to involve parents in the education of children in workshops and talks to continue with the intervention plan.

The professional Karina Palacios explained the "Construction of an inclusive educational environment from the process of self-evaluation of the Educational Unit of the Millennium Manuel J. Calle", and recommended to the students of the career not to think about a topic but a research problem , understanding that the problem is not what is needed but what is unknown.

The graduates María Inés Naula and Sheyla Armijos carried out the "Systematization of teaching practice in basic areas at the Monte Sinaí School in Sigsicocha-Santa Ana, October 2017-February 2018", where they expressed: "Working as a team and putting our knowledge generated a teaching-learning in the institution to benefit both students and parents and the community in general. "

The second part of the event was in charge of Isabel Aguirre Vargas, María Elisa Orellana and Karina Piedra who exposed in an exchange of experiences the professional trajectory giving to know the challenges that they had to evolve like teachers.