Update sessions in mental health

Update sessions in mental health

The 26 and 27 of October, in the general auditorium of the University, was held the first day of update in mental health, aimed at professionals, teachers and students.

Those responsible for the event were the Ministry of Public Health, the University of Azuay and the Center for Rest and Addictions (CRA).

The objective of the conference was to update knowledge about mental health, new work guidelines and treatments of the most common pathologies.

"We want each speaker to give a perspective on how he sees clinical psychology from the different scenarios in which he works, in order to establish a better criterion in professional work; that the public is updated in this area and know the new techniques that have been developed in each aspect ", said Juan Sebastián Herrera Fuentes, one of the coordinators, at the beginning of the event.

The topics discussed in the lectures were: the epidemiology of mental health, the treatment of the depressive episode and the recurrent depressive disorder in adults, addictions in the 6 area, ethics and mental health, Dual pathology: addiction and mental disorders , among others.

There were also discussion tables that addressed issues such as mental health and community bonding, mental health in children and adolescents and mental health challenges currently in Ecuadorian society.

At the end of the conference, the attendees who were in an 80% of the hours of talks, received a certificate with academic endorsement of 32 hours.

Works and evaluations were also carried out to apply those learned in the workshops, all through a virtual platform.


UDA Correspondent