Iván Saquicela became President of the National Court of Justice

Iván Saquicela became President of the National Court of Justice

The jurist Iván Patricio Saquicela, who has collaborated in two master's degrees at the University of Azuay, has been appointed President of the National Court of Justice of Ecuador, the highest organ of administration of ordinary justice in the country.

Dr. Saquicela provided the Legal Argument module in the first two versions of the Master of Criminal Law and from January to April 2017 he was appointed as Director of the third version of that Master.

He also taught the Community Law module in the first version of the Master in Constitutional Law.

The new president of the National Court studied at the Benigno Malo school and has received third and fourth level studies at the University of Cuenca, the Catholic University of Cuenca, the University of Guayaquil and the University of the Andes.

Among his degrees is a degree in Political and Social Sciences, a doctor in Jurisprudence and a Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic, a specialist in Criminal and Criminological Sciences, a specialist in Criminal Law and Indigenous Justice, he has a higher diploma in Criminal Procedure Law and a master's degree in Criminal and Criminological Sciences. The doctorate has been done at the Universidad Católica Argentina.

He is the author of several articles in legal and opinion magazines, and of the book "Critical Analysis of the Criminal Procedure Code."

He was Regional Coordinator of Amnesty International between 1998 and 1999 and National Secretary of Amnesty International between 1998 and 2000.

He served as Alternate Councilor of Cuenca between 2000 and 2002 and as Councilor of Cuenca between 2003 and 2007.

In those years he was also Occasional President of the I. Cuenca Cantonal Council, Vice President of the Azuay Transit Council, Vice President of the Municipal Terrestrial Terminal Company, Vice President of the Municipal Company of Rastro, Plaza and Ganado, and Vice President of the ETAPATELECOM company .

Between 2007 and 2015 he served as a prosecutor in the Azuayan capital.