Academic exchange of schools of Education
The January 8 the University of Azuay and its Center for Integral Stimulation and Psychotherapeutic Support (CEIAP) made an academic exchange with the César Vallejo University of Chiclayo, Peru, which revolved around the problem "Management and Educational Research".
The day lasted two days and different topics were analyzed as "Management and educational model in Ecuadorian education"; "Exchange of experiences of pre-professional practices"; "Methodologies focused on learning"; "Initial service-school service learning project"; "Research model as the axis of student education" and "Autism in inclusive initial education".
The meeting between the two universities was conducted with the aim of analyzing situations common to the two institutions in the field of teaching, research and linking; also to generate an opportunity for teachers and students to establish links and propose research projects in areas of common interest.
Diana Rodas, Subdecana of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the UDA, commented: "This exchange is to share experiences, interact with everyone to receive a mutual benefit, since through these activities it will be carried out common projects in order to enrich society and generate positive changes "
The conference included lectures by teachers from both institutions and assistance to pre-professional practice spaces for visiting students.
"We are grateful to receive and share once again this day of academic exchange" said Maritza Figueroa, representative of the Cesar Vallejo University.