Inclusion: the role of the educational psychologist

Inclusion: the role of the educational psychologist

On May 25, the Department of Continuing Education - together with the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences and the School of Therapeutic Educational Psychology - organized the webinar "Attitudes and role of the educational psychologist in inclusion".

The event was carried out through the Zoom platform and had as main speaker Raúl Tárraga, professor at the University of Valencia, Spain and member of the research group on inclusion at the UDA.

Tárraga's research branch is focused on educational psychology.

The webinar aimed to delve into inclusive processes as well as the dynamic role of the educational psychologist in their support plans, being necessary to direct these to improve the lives of children and adolescents.

In addition, the need to expand the knowledge imparted in the classrooms of the School of Educational Psychology was highlighted.

In turn, topics such as the role of the psychologist and teaching tools were discussed within the professional practice of the educator.

Regarding this issue, Tárraga expressed: “For me, this talk is summarized in a very important phrase that says 'it is not to give the same to everyone, it is to give everyone what they need'; if we would give everyone the same it would be cruel.

"Education is good for everyone, but it is essential for some," concluded the speaker.

To finish, the event had an open space to socialize the topics discussed, questions from the participants and thanks, in addition, a virtual certificate of attendance was awarded after two hours of webinar.


UDA Correspondents