Inauguration of the University of Self-Care for the Elderly

Inauguration of the University of Self-Care for the Elderly

On April 1, the University of Azuay together with its Faculty of Medicine and Psychology inaugurated the University of Self-Care for the Elderly, an event that is framed within the fulfillment of the objectives of sustainable development, mainly objective 3: Health and well-being.

The event was attended by authorities from the University of Azuay, authorities from the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security IESS and the general public. 

The welcoming words were given by our rector, Francisco Salgado, who mentioned that the world needs to move from an ethic of consumption to an ethic of care, and the best way to tenderly care for life is the program proposed for older adults.

For his part, Franklin Rojas, provincial director of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute, pointed out that this is a beautiful space to jointly contribute to society, through mutual and community learning. 

Finally Marco Palacios, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and program coordinator, inaugurated the program.