Inauguration of the Specialty in University Teaching

Inauguration of the Specialty in University Teaching

"Accompanying and training the teacher of the XNUMXst century will be the greatest advance as a society to respond to new challenges."

These words of Professor Carlos Guevara summarize the objective of the Specialty in University Teaching that began this Saturday, February 27.

With the intervention of Catalina Serrano, director of Postgraduate Programs at the University of Azuay, this postgraduate course was inaugurated with the aim of training teachers capable of teaching, accompanying and training better human beings in the educational field.

Next, Juan Carlos Lazo, director of the Open University, briefly explained how it was formed, what is the operation and structure of the virtual platform known as “Open University”, which allowed it to go virtual during the pandemic.

Regarding teaching, he stressed that: "It does not matter what information is given but how it is imparted so that people capture it."

Subsequently, a presentation was given by Carlos Guevara, Coordinator of the program.

"It is not only a postgraduate degree in education, it is the result of the educational reality that we are experiencing," he mentioned.

He also emphasized the importance of sustainable development and that to achieve it a quality education is needed and adapted to the constant change in the world. In addition, he said that the processes have to be coupled with young people because the right to education opens the door to other rights.

Regarding the educational model, he commented that in many cases it has been "adopted and not adapted", but the system of the University of Azuay designed for distance learning and now virtual is essential for there to be understanding between student and teacher.

"Addressing issues of social interest is the duty of teachers," he commented, referring to a comprehensive teaching related to social, economic, scientific, cultural and human development.

The specialization will last two semesters and will consist of a modality through tutorials, where the number of students will be very limited to facilitate the teaching of classes and their understanding.

Each tutor will have a maximum of seven students, the virtual classes will be divided into two compulsory weekly hours in a group and two optional individual or group hours.

The transversal axes of this course are the learning activities composed of two modules, practices and two parallel texts, the latter being a material recently included in this version of the specialty.

The parallel text is a tool developed by the student in which they must write everything they have done during the practices, becoming in the end the degree thesis.

Finally, Marcela Torres intervened to provide a tutorial aimed at students on how to access the "Virtual Campus for Postgraduate Programs".

UDA Correspondent