II International Marketing Congress

II International Marketing Congress

This November 17, the Faculty of Management Sciences and its School of Marketing - with the Ecuadorian Marketing Network (REM) - virtually developed the Second International Marketing Congress.

Despite the fact that the event was virtual, the inauguration was carried out in a blended way in the General Auditorium of the University.

The board of directors made up of Francisco Salgado, Rector; Jacinto Guille, Vice-rector for Research; Fernando Hallo, President of the REM; Oswaldo Merchán, Dean of the Faculty of Administration Sciences; Marco Ríos, Coordinator of the School of Marketing; Ximena Moscoso, Deputy Dean of the Faculty; representatives of the REM and representatives of different universities in the network.

The Ecuadorian Marketing Network is an academic and scientific organization that encourages interaction between teachers, researchers and students from various universities in Ecuador, with the possibility of expansion to universities in different countries.

It has the capacity to promote specific activities that promote training, research, expansion and development of Marketing and related careers in the third and fourth levels of higher education.

The first congress was held in 2019 at the Chimborazo Polytechnic School and for 2020 it was planned to be held at the University of Azuay, however, it was postponed to November of this year due to complications due to the pandemic.

There were presentations by specialists in Digital Marketing, Marketing, Neuromarketing, Artificial Intelligence and Strategic Marketing.


Johana Ríos (Spain), passionate about sales and expert in Neuroscience applied to business. Creator of the method to learn Neuromarketing and Neuro-sales by playing “Seller Brain The Game”.

Fernando Mascarenhas (Brazil), student of content strategy, business structure and the impact of Artificial Intelligence on business.

Leo Freidenberg (Argentina), businessman and speaker on Digital Marketing, Internet Sales, Leadership and Personal Development for entrepreneurs.

Jorge Andrés Arboleda (Colombia), professional in Advertising from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, with experience of more than 20 years in companies of the state and private sector, being part of the Market, Advertising and Communication teams.

Daniel Merchán (Ecuador), currently leads a research and innovation team at Amazon.com and his research focuses on the use of optimization methods and Artificial Intelligence to define last-mile distribution strategies.


UDA Correspondent