Posthumous tribute to former dean Luis Mario Cabrera

Posthumous tribute to former dean Luis Mario Cabrera

On September 30, the University of Azuay and the UDASOLIDARIA Savings Bank held a solemn session in posthumous recognition of the work as Founding President of the entity to the economist Luis Mario Cabrera González.

The event was held in the General Auditorium of the University and began with the intonation of the musical notes of the National Anthem, later Francisco Salgado, Rector of the University of Azuay, gave a few words of welcome.

“Luis Mario taught us that the future is built today, here and now, we must not wait for others to come and do it, the responsibility is on us. Thanks to his great work that has been continued, a transformative innovation could be given to the University ”, stated the Rector.

On August 13, 2020, the change of name of the institution to Savings Bank of the servers of the University of Azuay UDASOLIDARIA Luis Mario Cabrera González was resolved, in recognition of his extraordinary work as Founding President. 

This was followed by the words of Lenín Zúñiga, President of the UDASOLIDARIA Savings Bank: “The economist Luis Mario Cabrera assumed the leadership of a work team with the mission of institutionalizing the Savings Bank so that it has its own service identity. ”Said Zúñiga.

Before the end of the event, a commemorative plaque was presented to the relatives of Luis Mario Cabrera for his work at the institution.


Correspondent of the University of Azuay