Train future professors at the country's universities

Train future professors at the country's universities

The University of Azuay, through its Postgraduate program, offers the opportunity to take the Specialization in University Teaching during the academic period March 2021 - 2022.

This program offers its third version, aimed at university teachers from different areas of knowledge and at all professionals interested in being university teachers or higher education institutes.

According to Carlos Guevara, Coordinator of the master's degree, the need that motivated the reopening of this space is based on the fact that the quality of the country's universities depends on the quality of its teachers.

"That quality was very neglected, because it was thought that exclusively the specialty in certain areas of knowledge was enough to be a university professor", says Guevara and adds:

"The Academy, both nationally and globally, realized this and began the training process in the psychopedagogical area of ​​university teachers."

What was originally a master's degree has become a specialization and two years ago the program became totally virtual. However, our university is characterized by offering this modality under the support of Pedagogical Mediation, which is based on promoting and accompanying student learning.

Likewise, Guevara affirms that one of the serious problems in distance education is the loneliness of the student. The latter, not feeling accompanied, leaves the program and the virtual dropout rates are high.

However, "we have zero dropouts, due to tutoring", because the teachers in charge of this course accompany the process of the teachers who are going to take it.

With regard to the pensum, Guevara explains that university teachers do not have to be educated with subjects, "you have to train them with proposals, with learning practices."

This means that each module is structured with practices guided by the tutor; in the end, each teacher generates their own academic production.

At the end of the specialization, the graduates will generate two pedagogical texts with publication capacity.

On the other hand, this course has flexible schedules, since each module can be accessed with its learning practices, bibliographic references, books that will be needed throughout the course, through the Virtual Campus with 24/XNUMX access hours of every day.

In the same way, they will be able to choose the time to receive the tutorials.

For those who wish to take the Specialization in University Teaching, they can apply until January 22. The total value of the course is 5.000 with payment flexibilities.

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UDA Correspondent