Expo 6 - Itineraries

Expo 6 - Itineraries

On June 25, the first exhibition of a sample of works from the chair of the Creation and Projects Workshop - Itineraries was held in the patios of the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Art.

The Itineraries Workshop emerged after combining students from Product Design, Graphic Design, Textile and Clothing Design and Interior Design careers.

Despite the fact that this was the chair's first exhibition, it received the name “Expo 6” because the participants in the work show are currently in the sixth cycle of their university career.

What was sought was to get students to work in an interdisciplinary way to develop proposals from all areas of design for the cultural and social area, generating for the latter, projects to link with the municipality of Pucará and Casa María Amor.

In addition, the exhibition served to invite the students attending the second cycle of the faculty to be able to connect and become familiar with the careers.

A jury group was implemented made up of the following university professors who were in charge of choosing the six best projects and granting the participants a certificate as an outstanding project of the cycle.


UDA Correspondent