"Descriptive Statistics in R", a course from the UDA Statistics Center

"Descriptive Statistics in R", a course from the UDA Statistics Center

The course "Descriptive Statistics in R" is an impulse of the recently created Statistics Center of the University of Azuay, whose main purpose is to support the different research teams of the institution in relation to data management and generation of statistical reports through package R.

In this way, researchers will be able to count on adequate advice in the field of statistics, which will allow an optimization in relation to time, as well as the consequent improvement in the quality of the publications.

At the initiative of the institution's authorities, a course was held in mid-September that was part of the training of teachers prior to the beginning of the cycle, thus supporting the different chairs taught at the university.

Statistics is a valuable tool for the various branches of knowledge, therefore, this course gave teachers the possibility of improving the teaching process of statistics, or of any other discipline that includes data management.

The course dealt with an initial topic, and it is the first that the Statistics Center has planned of a series of courses that it later intends to develop, such as the case of Inferential, Multivariate Statistics and other valuable techniques.

The training process for the teaching staff will be continuous, strengthening the teaching-learning process, and generating greater expertise in information management.

"Descriptive statistics in R" was followed by all the professors of the university community, whatever their discipline of study. The course was developed in five days, a virtual part with the basic concepts and theories through a master class. Then, face-to-face practical workshops were developed, thereby motivating the gradual return to the presence of our university community.

The workshops were divided into four areas of knowledge: Medicine, Science and Technology, Administration, Psychology and Education; The professors chose the workshop in which they wanted to participate according to their orientation, and the University assigned them tutors in each of the respective areas.

It is important to emphasize that the data handled in the workshops came from different works carried out in the institution itself, which allowed teachers to learn about the research carried out by their colleagues, thus generating an adequate process of socialization and appropriation of knowledge.

Fernando Córdova, general coordinator of the Statistics Center, mentioned: “We want our teachers to know about the Statistics Center, which has been designed to support the different research teams, as well as to become familiar with the R language, which will be widely disseminated and used in institutional academic programming. The dream and the objectives are great, in the future we hope to promote postgraduate programs, provide external consultancy, and above all that the Statistical Center of the University of Azuay, is the benchmark at the national level ”.


UDA Correspondent