Academic meeting of the Master of Accounting and Auditing

Academic meeting of the Master of Accounting and Auditing

On April 13, a meeting was held between students and teachers of the Master's Degree in Accounting and Auditing with a mention in Tax Management, a project of the Higher Accounting School that has a duration of thirteen months.

The postgraduate program is aimed at developing knowledge and providing techniques in the fields of accounting, taxation and auditing.

Although the course began in October 2020, the welcome was made through this meeting.

“This first version was opened in the midst of the dynamics of the pandemic. All the modules have been carried out in a virtual way and the students have only known each other through their computers, they have not managed to have a face-to-face contact that is always so important, even more so in this type of program ”, said Gabriela Duque, director of the program, and added:

"It is necessary that they know our facilities, because many of them are not former students of the University of Azuay."

The teacher recalled that the master's degree is aimed at business profiles such as accountants, business engineers and economists.

"In addition, it is essential that our teachers have their knowledge of tax updated because it is a field in constant evolution, however, the most important thing is to generate in them a lot of criteria so that they become promoters of change."

As for teaching in a virtual modality, Duque said that it has been a challenge for everyone, both for teachers and students. Similarly, he highlighted the complexity involved in studying to obtain a fourth-level degree in current circumstances.

“We have tried to have all the tools so that this learning is as dynamic as possible and the transfer of knowledge is with quality, warmth and efficiency. Despite being a challenge, it also involves very interesting things, such as having teachers who would hardly have been part of this course in person, ”he concluded.

During the event, the students indicated that the “true academic environment” is felt at the University. In addition, they expect this to turn into something more often, depending on what happens in the future with the pandemic situation.

Currently, the participants are finishing the sixth module of the master's degree.


UDA Correspondent