Manufacture of bakery products in CRS

Manufacture of bakery products in CRS

The Department of Liaison of the University of Azuay carried out the course "Preparation of bakery products" aimed at people in the prison benefit system of Social Rehabilitation Centers (CRS).

The course began in December 2020 and ended on April 18, after having completed fifteen weeks of training aimed at inmates of the CRS of Turi and Cañar.

During these weeks topics related to good manufacturing practices, bakery theory and product development were addressed.

“Assuming the challenge of training through virtuality, a manual was developed for the participants and thirteen demonstration videos were produced that include the demonstration of the use of baking equipment, kneading techniques and making twelve doughs, including basic doughs and those that they require a more specialized preparation, such as the dough for croissants, Easter bread or milk bread ”, explained Professor Diego Suárez, in charge of the course.

A total of 17 of the 23 enrolled successfully completed the course and received their certificate virtually during the closing program held on Sunday, April 18, which was attended by authorities from the CRS, as well as the Department of Links with Society, the Faculty of Science and Technology and the School of Food Engineering of our University.

A presentation of the photos of the work carried out by the participants during the course was made and one of them intervened on behalf of his colleagues expressing his gratitude to all who made this training course possible.

To end the program, those present were informed that a new outreach project had been approved in order to complement the technical training received by the participants of this and other courses given by the Society's Outreach Department, through a entrepreneurship management course that will begin in May and is aimed at both CRS and other organizations.