The "man voice" at the University of Azuay

The "man voice" at the University of Azuay

The Center for Integral Stimulation and Psychotherapeutic Support (CEIAP) - together with the University of Azuay - offered the past 19 in April the monologue "Santhiago Illescas, the man voice", as an educational project to raise funds for the center.

The event was held at eight in the evening in the Auditorium of the University, its doors were opened to all public and the entry had a value of $ 10.

Santiago Illescas captivated his audience full of humor and themes of daily life of a basque, referring to various terms used in the city, comparisons of the games of yesteryear with the current and emphasis on the constant review of Internet consumption for young.

One of the philosophies of the CEIAP is the inclusion of children with special educational needs associated or not with disability, for which it has been developing for several years, social, scientific and cultural events that support this work.

María Esther Pérez, Deputy Director of CEIAP, told us that the objective of this event was to "try to cover the amounts of the events we carry out within the institution, so, every year we do self-management with this type of events. "

For the people in charge of the CEIAP, the monologue fulfilled the expectations that were had to enjoy and to leave the activities of the day to day as much of parents, of the personnel of the educative center and those who accompanied them.