The Continuing Education Department strengthens virtual training
In order to continue with the extracurricular training processes, given the current circumstances, the Continuing Education Department strengthens its offer in the virtual modality by planning synchronous and asynchronous activities through virtual platforms.
The use of teaching resources such as online forums and debates, videoconferences, assessed tasks, case analysis, base readings, complementary readings, are the most useful tools to achieve the objectives of each training.
In this context, the training course for the Expert in Tourism Planning for Territorial Development is under development, with a total workload of 200 hours.
Module I - territorial tourism planning - was successfully completed and this week module II began: tools applied to tourism planning and territorial development, moderated by teachers Omar Delgado and Xavier Chicaiza.
Starting on May 18, the virtual course: Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices in Food Processing Industries begins, with a duration of 40 hours. For more information and registration, go to this link.
In the same way, in coordination with the Ecuadorian Network for International Cooperation and Development (RECID) and the support of the teachers of the Faculty of Legal Sciences Ana María Bustos and Diana García, the closed virtual course will be developed, aimed at participants designated by the Prefecture of Azuay: Decentralized International Cooperation for municipal GADs in the province of Azuay, with a total workload of 50 hours: 28 hours of synchronous training, 22 hours of asynchronous participation.
In this way we hope to meet the institutional and societal requirements through the offer of training programs or courses that allow the dissemination of knowledge, its updating or deepening.