The CEIAP opened its house to families

The CEIAP opened its house to families

Day 24 May, at 9: 00 morning, the Center for Integral Stimulation and psychotherapeutic support of the University of Azuay (CEIAP) welcomed the parents and families of children studying in the institution with a house open

The event consisted of various presentations: dances, plays and poetry reading, all by the little ones.

"These programs are conducted each year between May and June with the aim to show parents, family and the general public how much they have learned during the period," said Ana Lucia Pacurucu, Director of CEIAP.

The theme of each open house varies each year. In this edition it was dedicated to the biodiversity of Ecuador.

Each course represented a place in Ecuador, from Quito to the Galapagos Islands.

The children, dressed in traditional costumes, paraded and danced to Ecuadorian music with choreographies designed by their teachers.

After the presentations the children invited the public to go to the classroom to sample some traditional dishes, prepared by the children with help of teachers, so that the public open house to finish off with a good taste.

The question now is what will be the theme of next year and by asking parents whose young will continue in place, what the topic of the next program will be.