"The Improvised Postman", a book about adolescent life

"The Improvised Postman", a book about adolescent life

The December 21 in the Multiple Use Room of the University was the presentation of the book "The improvised postman" by journalist Andrés López, who has begun his career as a writer.

The University of Azuay was chosen as the place to launch the book in the city of Cuenca thanks to the link made by Esteban Segarra, a professor at the University, with the author.

This book is a collection of letters addressed to their children in the stage of adolescence, in which deals with important and controversial issues of the contemporary world.

"The book was born as an opportunity to tell important issues in a personal way that I wanted to do it, that is how I created the book, to vent and be able to approach my children," said the author.

The work deals with topics about lying, happiness, love, courtship, the spirituality of the human being, God, faith, hugs, solidarity, fidelity and more controversial issues such as homosexuality, the first sexual relationship , The divorce.

The journalist indicated that the book is not the absolute truth but the result of what he has lived, what he thinks and experiences in life and concluded: "Evidently I can be wrong; They are reflections on my life and how I have been living it ".