Communication teachers present book on media competence in young Cuencans

Communication teachers present book on media competence in young Cuencans

Cecilia Ugalde and Catalina González, professors of the School of Social Communication, of the University of Azuay, presented their book entitled "Study of media competence in young people of the city of Cuenca" in the Hall of the Faculty of Philosophy.

Cecilia Ugalde indicated that the study "seeks that students improve on this issue and so they can have a job and subsist."

Although Catalina González could not be present since she is in Spain culminating her doctorate, the event was attended by José Ignacio Aguaded, professor at the University of Huelva, Spain, who has been a source of consultation and reference for the authors.

Aguaded congratulated the teachers and the University of Azuay and in relation to the work commented that communicators have to worry and look for strategies that allow young people to use technology in a rational way, since it is not only a local problem but a global one.

Martha Cobos, Academic Vice Chancellor of the UDA, also congratulated the hard work of the teachers and made an invitation with the desire to motivate all teachers who have done research to complete this process with a publication.

"Knowledge that is not shared is dead knowledge," said Cobos.

For his part, Cecilia Ugalde commented that the investigation with Catalina González began in 2014 and said that two chapters have already been published in Spain and three articles in magazines.  

"It's a long project, we still have articles in line, there is a lot to do, and now we are working on the part of the university where there is already information," the teacher concluded.

The book is digitally for all people who want to access, entering this link