Unveiling of the mural “Memories of the Body”
On December 07, the University of Azuay together with the Society of History of Medicine presented the unveiling of the work “Memory of the Body” by James Pilco.
The event was attended by authorities from the University of Azuay, members of the Society of History of Medicine, family and friends of the author and the general public.
In Memoria del cuerpo, James Pilco proposes a personal micro-history of local and global medicine, selecting images taken from archives, encyclopedias, atlases or art itself. The work is a mosaic of quotations, a practice typical of postmodern aesthetics in their desire to update and redefine the originals.
The event began with words from Hernán Tenorio, president of the Society of History of Medicine, who gave an introduction to the Museum of Medicine, highlighting its history and the large number of works it houses. Tenorio stressed that this is a special day, as it represents the first rapprochement between the museum and the academy to contribute to the historical recovery of the place. In addition, he mentioned that the author of the work was key in integrating the faculty of medicine with art. Finally, he thanked the University of Azuay, to whom a plaque was dedicated and placed in the chapel of the museum, which was unveiled together with the Rector of the University.
In turn, Francisco Salgado, rector of the University of Azuay, highlighted the generosity of James Pilco, author of the work, mentioning that he is completely dedicated to his students and works to unite science with the spirit. In addition, he recognized Pilco's significant contribution to the university, including the donation of important medical books and expressed his gratitude and congratulations. Finally, he stressed the importance of preserving the museum of medicine due to its great value for future generations.
Later, the painting was unveiled by the authorities and the artist of the work.
James Pilco, during his presentation, described in detail each element of his creation, explaining in depth the meaning of each part and how they relate to the history of medicine. He also shared the inspirations and process behind his work, giving the audience a more complete understanding of his artistic vision. To conclude, he expressed his sincere gratitude to all the people who contributed in some way to making his work possible, highlighting the collective effort and support he received throughout the project.
At the end of the speeches, all those present went outside the chapel to give a presentation of recognition to the museum's collaborators in its restoration.