Farewell Pumas ambassadors! delivery of jackets to students who will travel to international mobility programs

Farewell Pumas ambassadors! delivery of jackets to students who will travel to international mobility programs

On December 20 at the University of Azuay, the delivery of institutional jackets and flags to students who will travel to international mobility programs between January and June 2024 was carried out; event that is framed in the sustainable development objectives, mainly objective 4: Quality Education. 

The event was attended by authorities, deans, sub-deans, coordinators of the different careers, professors, administrative staff and students from our university community. 

The program for the following semester has nine countries as destinations, the students who participate belong to our seven faculties and are from fourteen different schools of the University. The universities of this mobility program are located in Colombia, Mexico, the Czech Republic, the United States and Spain. 

The welcome speech was given by Francisco Salgado, rector of the University of Azuay, who mentioned that this exchange is a wonderful opportunity for learning and personal growth, the possibility of being in a different culture, of experiencing the symbols, of enjoying the food. and the drink typical of each of the places and meeting new people who will later become friends, it really is priceless. 

Once the jackets were delivered, Marcelo Calle, director of the Department of International Relations, addressed the public, also pointing out the happiness and support provided to these young people who in January embark on their journey to different parts of the world. 

Delivery of jackets


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