Postgraduate seminar dedicated to innovation ends

Postgraduate seminar dedicated to innovation ends

On Thursday, July 23, the “International Seminar on Real Innovation” came to an end, organized by the Postgraduate Department of the Universidad del Azuay and aimed at teaching methodologies and strategies to obtain creative ideas that allow the participants to generate value in the field personal, labor and business.

The last day dealt with “Circular Innovation” and the speakers were the Colombian Camila Hernández, consulting manager at Deloitte & Touch, who talked about the circular and collaborative economy.

He was followed by the Ecuadorian Inty Gronneberg, CEO of Ichthion, who is based in the United Kingdom and has been recognized as an inventor for his initiatives to clean the waters of seas and rivers of waste. 

On Wednesday, July 22, the topic turned on "Companies 4.0", those that are based on the development of research and technology.

The speakers were the Colombian Jenis del Carmen Sagbini, professor at the Universidad Popular del César, and the Mexican businessman Damaso Acosta, co-founder of Probióticos Ventro, a company that has developed food from bacteria.

The event started last week, on July 15, with the theme "Artificial Intelligence"; For that, there was a presentation by the American Mathew Theonnes, a senior researcher at IBM Watson, and the businessman Marcelo Peñaherrera, the only one who has an artificial intelligence laboratory in Ecuador.

On July 16, it was the turn of three female speakers who spoke about "Innovation in Human Resources":

Celia Carrión, professor at the University of Salamanca, spoke about the “Soft skills”; Later, the Ecuadorian Pierangela Sierra, owner of the start up Tipti, commented on the artificial intelligence tied to the purchase decisions of its users, and her compatriot Carla Barbotó, owner of Pacari, closed the night, who referred to the company's relationship with its farmers and their employees.

José Vera, professor in charge of the event, indicated that the idea for the entire seminar was born from the Master of Commerce with a mention in Entrepreneurship and Innovation that he directs:

“The topic of innovation is transversal in any area –Communication, Engineering, Design, Administration- but it is a topic that is not touched very deeply in our environment; then the idea of ​​being able to talk about new innovation methodologies was born, especially in joint ventures, because in general we only talk about innovation in multinationals ”.

For Vera, it is essential to talk about innovation at this time, with the changes in the world that were accelerated by the pandemic.

"Companies, businesses and people that do not innovate are condemned to be left behind," concluded the professor.