Agreement with the State Attorney General's Office

Agreement with the State Attorney General's Office

On July 19, an agreement was signed between the University of Azuay and the State Attorney General's Office, for the benefit of the students of the careers belonging to the Faculty of Legal Sciences, for the development of their pre-professional practices.

The event was attended by the corresponding university authorities, student representatives and the State Attorney General, Iñigo Salvador.

The objective of the project is that, in the midst of all the legal activity of the Attorney General's Office, as a body that represents the State, the opportunity can be provided to students of the last two cycles of the careers of the Faculty of Legal Sciences, mainly from the Law School, to exercise the profession on which they are training through internships.

According to the academic regime of Ecuador, internships or pre-professional practices are defined as activities aimed at the application of knowledge and the development of skills and abilities specific to the respective profession.

In addition, it is specified that the awarding of the corresponding credits is mandatory to obtain the title, and that each Higher Education Institution (IES) will be in charge of assigning the number of credits for the internships of each career or program.

This agreement provides the juncture or opportunity for students to develop in various fields or legal areas such as: administrative litigation, administration in general, civil matters, public contracting, among others.

It is important to clarify that, although this agreement opens up the possibility of carrying out internships regionally, it also opens up the opportunity to do them directly from the city of Quito that, if applicable, their development could take place during the period of vacations so as not to interfere with the students' academic schedule.

Despite the fact that the internships are available to all students, since there are a limited number of places for the Office of the Attorney General, the organization and assignment of the positions is the responsibility of the authorities responsible for each of the areas.

However, this is not the only agreement that the University of Azuay has for internships in the Legal Sciences area, internships can also be carried out in the Municipality, with foundations, in the UDA Service House, in the College of Lawyers, the Regional Customs Directorate, parochial boards, private organizations (especially in the case of the School of International Studies) and even with international organizations such as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) that provides aid to refugees.

“An agreement of this category is remarkable due to the importance of the link between the institutions and specifically the Academy, in this case of our university, with public institutions that, in addition to opening and giving the opportunity to carry out practices and train better professionals, reaffirm the prestige and academic level of the Universidad del Azuay ”, stated Dr. José Chalco Quezada, Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences.


UDA Correspondent